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Today's Bible Verse



This fellowship acknowledges the Lord Jesus Christ as its Head, the Holy Scripture as the only infallible guide pertaining to matters of faith, church discipline and order, the Holy Spirit as its Teacher, and is not, and never shall be, under the jurisdiction or supervision of any other ecclesiastical body of any kind or nature whatsoever.

The government of the church, the conduct of its business, the management and supervision of its general work, no matter what that work may be, shall, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, be the sole responsibility of the Elders (1 Timothy 5:17). 

All other leadership positions in the church fall under the authority and direction of the Elders. Deacons shall be appointed by the Elders for a three-year term to carry out the directives in areas of service to the needs of the Congregation. 




CBC Bulletin

Sunday Services
9:30 am. Sunday School
10:45 am. Worship Service

CBC Youth Ministries
We have a great program for children called Awana (Cubbies, Sparks & Truth & Training), as well as Jr. & Sr. High programs.

Awana: Wed. at 6:15 PM.

Go to Awana page

Up-Coming Dates

Youth Koinonia Meetings
Friday, 6:15 PM—8:15 PM

Youth Sunday School
9:30 AM—10:30 AM.

Friday Youth Outreach Nights
In the Gym

Growth In Christ

Family Discipleship Ministry

Pregnancy Resource Center of the Poconos

Genesis|One - Freedom to Obey God Genesis|One

Growth In Christ

Growth In Christ

Forms are available online. Each form is double so you can print the page and then cut it in half, hole punch it and put them into your notebooks.

Get Forms

Nursery Subs Needed

Substitutes are needed for the nursery for when the scheduled nursery worker is unable to come. If you are willing to be a “once in a while when needed” nursery substitute, contact the
Church Office



We are looking for someone

to take over the Library Ministry. If you are willing to serve the Lord in this ministry contact the church office.

Bible Studies
We have weekly online Bible studies for your Growth in Christ


© 2009 Calvary Bible Church