- SUNDAY— January 22
8:30 AM - Prayer in Chapel
9:30 AM - Sunday School classes for all ages
10:45 AM - Worship Service
6:00 PM - Divorce Care
- MONDAY– January 23
- TUESDAY– January 24
- WEDNESDAY— January 25
6:30 PM - Awana Club
6:30 PM - Facing Forever Study
- THURSDAY— January 26
9:00 AM - Ladies Bible Study with Barb Thompson
6:30 PM - Choir Practice
- FRIDAY— January 27
6:30 PM - Koinonia Youth Ministry
- SATURDAY— January 28
Monthly (Friday) 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Bringing the families of CBC together to grow spiritually so that the individual families and the church family might become united, discipled and empowered to reach our world for Christ. INSTRUCTION
An elder-led time of instruction from God's Word on family-related topics, aimed at discipling the Christian family.
A family-integrated time of honest and open discussion, focused on applying God's biblical principles to our families. FELLOWSHIP
A special time for church family fun and service
Second Saturday of each month, February 11 - 7:30 AM—9:00 AM
Meets in the Mae Vail Hall.
Meets the second Wednesday of the month in the Mae Vail Hall. The next meeting is March14.
SUNDAY Morning Women's Sunday School
9:30 AM-10:30 AM | Women's Sunday School Room
Come join us during the Sunday School hour as we learn from God's Word and grow closer as sisters in Christ
THURSDAY Morning Bible Study
9:00 AM—10:30 AM | The Women's Sunday School Room
Youth Koinonia Meetings
Meeting each Friday, 6:15 PM—8:15 PM
Come on out and learn about our wonderful Lord and grow in your relationship with Him as we study 1 John and enjoy “Koinonia”: love for God and fellow believers. You will participate in group Bible study discussions, Scripture memory, prayer, refreshments and fun activities in the gym. Invite your friends!
Youth Sunday School
Meeting weekly at 9:30 AM—10:30 AM.
Come out and learn about God’s plan for His Church as the elders lead an inductive Bible study through the book of 1 Corinthians (breakfast provided).
Friday Youth Outreach Nights
In the Gym—
Invite your friends for these fun-filled nights designed for you to have fun and share Christ with your friends.