Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me— practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Paul reveals the Secure mind that helps deal with wrong thinking and feeling about circumstances, people and things. The resources we have in Christ are God’s peace, God’s power, God’s provision. When we have the Secure mind, the peace of God guards us and guides us and oftentimes we don’t understand why. To have the Secure mind we must meet the three conditions that God has identified for us: Right Praying, Right Thinking, and Right Living.

Right Praying (v6-7): Paul encouraged his readers to pray rather than worry. Note the process (1) Prayer – the believer’s approach to God, (2) Petition or Supplication – asking or begging that those needs be met, (3) Thanksgiving – an attitude of the heart that should always accompany one’s prayers, and (4) Requests – specific things asked for. When the exhortations of v4-6 are heeded, peace with God will come (v7). This peace with God is beyond man’s ability to understand. However, it will guard or protect the believer.

Right Thinking (v8): Six items are mentioned as objects of a wholesome thought life, each is introduced by a plural “whatever” indicating that there could be many things that meet the criteria:

1. True or reliable
2. Honorable or noble, worthy of respect
3. Just, conforms to God’s standards
4. Pure, not mixed with moral impurities
5. Lovely and promotes peace
6. Commendable, things that are admirable, positive rather than negative

Right Living (v9): The Christian life involves right thinking but it also involves doing things the right way. The Philippians had learned from Paul by his example. As they put what they had learned from Paul into practice they would enjoy the presence of God in their lives. The same holds true for us.

Author: Dave Lazarony